Monday, November 8, 2010

Kingdom of Terror- Brief Summary

Wayne, Diamond, Ryo, Tobi, and some other Lewtikos find themselves all together trying to survivng the aftermath of the perilous Great Purge, hiding from the Deadhands and the human military organization: ABIED. General Mikhail Lubiako has long assumed leadership over the planet and self-proclaimed himself the king while his military have been assigned to keep the world in order. Most offences were met head-on with capital punishment and many innocent people had been killed from the military executing the prisoners. Wayne and his friends sought to find other Lewtiko and fight back against the brutal law of Lubiako and the military. But ancient demonic enemies loiter the planet as four demonic dragons: Zäctehn, Soletve, Julèhavoc, and Federok; come to the planet seeking revenge for the defeat of their master Prixmus and plan on creating an army to annihilate all their enemies.

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